Saint Paul's Lutheran Church of Irvine

Altar Guild

The Altar Guild at Saint Paul’s Lutheran Church of Irvine consists of volunteer members of the congregation serving the Lord in the preparation of the sacred altar for Holy Communion. They faithfully and reverently prepare the house of the Lord for scheduled divine services by caring for the altar paraments in keeping with the church year, the communion vessels, the set-up and clean-up for communion services, and the laundering of linens.


1st Sunday of each month:
-Nina Mueller
-Ann Ashmon
-Myra Taylor

2nd Sunday:
-Judy McDougall
-Ashley Fick
-Paul Fick

3rd Sunday:
-Ali Frank
-Mei Kuntz
-Kiu Geisler

4th Sunday:
-Amanda Croll
-Jeanette Dahlin
-Mary Loy

5th Sunday (plus special services):
-Veronica Steele

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