Saint Paul's Lutheran Church of Irvine

Reflections on the Third Sunday after Pentecost, June 17th, 2012: “Yes There Is Groaning, but through Faith in Christ, Courage!” (2nd Corinthians 5:1-10)

Dear Christian Friends,

2nd Corinthians 5 begins by referring to our “tent, which is our earthly home (verse 1).” In this particular text, this is not a reference to our physical bodies, but a reference to our earthly lives. Every part of our lives here on earth is subject to entropy. Things waste away: our houses, our cars, our local entertainment venues and supermarkets (and yes our bodies are included). In this way the metaphor “tent” is quite appropriate. Tents are temporary. We pop them up and tear them down. They are not permanent. They wear out.

Under such conditions, the Scriptures reveal that we “groan” (verse 2) while we are “longing” (verse 2) “to put on our heavenly clothing (verse 2).” Who could blame us for groaning? If everything is wasting away around you and being torn down, then who wouldn’t groan? That’s what we do. As a result, we long for something better. Frankly, something much better.

Everyone is confronted with these facts, but what if you don’t know God’s good answer to the situation? What if there is no hope of something better to come while facing your groaning? What typically happens — without faith — is the effort to completely avoid the inevitable. This is when frenetic, unconscious repression takes over. Life becomes, “Just go, go, go and worry about the rest later.” Such is the wasted life: not considering where one has come from, not considering why we are here, and not considering where we are going. When we do nothing but groan, we avoid these vital questions assuming that the answers must be bleak. Needless to say, this is why many bury themselves in alcohol, substance abuse, overeating, and pornography.

But the Christian possesses God’s revelation! We will be “further clothed (2nd Cor 5:4).” Why? Because “what is mortal [will be] swallowed up by life.” And what is more, the LORD who has prepared this for us “has given us the Spirit as a guarantee (2nd Cor 5:5).”!!!

Christians, we are foreigners and aliens passing through this land (Heb. 11:13) and there is something better to come. This truth does not make us denigrate our present lives, but value them more than ever before. This time on earth is short and God has great things in store for us! So St. Paul says that we are “always of good courage (2nd Cor 5:6).” We will be home soon and in the meantime we have the great invitation, the great opportunity, the great joy and honor to please the Lord during our short stays on earth (2nd Cor 5:9). Think of Jesus. During his earthly sojourn, He was here for all of about 33-34 years. But think of the quality of those years. While here, He saved you from sin, death, and the power of the devil. Talk about making the most of your days. The least we can do is live in faith and live our lives in such a way as if to say, “Thank you LORD! Enable me to glorify Your NAME!”


In Your Service and To Christ’s Glory,


Dr. Espinosa


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