Saint Paul's Lutheran Church of Irvine

Tomorrow (Sunday, August 26th, 2012) at Saint Paul’s Lutheran Church of Irvine: The Thirteenth Sunday after Pentecost, “The Christian Life: Submission and Sacrifice” (Ephesians 5:22-33)

Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ,


Tomorrow I will proclaim God’s Word in regard to holy marriage. The Ephesians 5 text is not popular in our culture today, but it is nevertheless the wisdom and power of God for blessing holy marriage. Here is an excerpt:

This picture of the wife anticipates the leadership of the husband. It is one that is based on sacrificial love where the wife is motivated to stand by her husband who showers her with love. But how can a man have such consistency with all the ups and downs of life? Consider the fact that where St. Paul says, “Husbands, love your wives…” that the word is not “affection,” but the word is “long-suffering/sacrificial love.” That’s why St. Paul qualifies the words by saying, “as Christ loved the church and gave himself up for her (v 25).” This is a vital qualification: the call to husbands is not to feel affection 24/7 or to be romantic 24/7 — though we should very much pursue rekindling romance and affection — but if you ever find yourself struggling then take heart: the Lord is here emphasizing your sacrificial commitment and not your emotion.

That means husbands that you are first of all responding to the Word of God, and the One who forgives your sins husbands is the One who calls you to your duty: provide, protect, care for, serve, give — in every way that you can — for your wife. Do these things whether or not you feel like doing them. This kind of love does not depend on how you feel, though so many foolishly want to assume that it does. Do it because Christ shed His blood for you. And do it also because of the stated reason in Ephesians: when you do, you love yourself! It is a startling, but true statement that when the husband is not really taking good care of himself, then it is because he is not really taking good care of his wife. A man who does not love his wife, who does not sacrifice for his wife, is detrimental to himself. How important is this? Well, in this text three verses are devoted to the wives, but seven are devoted to the husbands. The husbands must take the right kind of lead that is always in imitation of the Lover of our Souls, Jesus Christ!

And Christ did take the lead my dear Christians. He “gave way” to you and submitted Himself to the will of the Father to save you from your sins; and He also sacrificed Himself as our Leader, and as a result we know these two little words as well: “submit” and “sacrifice”…these words mean that we are in Christ and that we belong to Him. May He continue to be the strand that keeps our marriages strong; may this living picture of Christ and His Church be the foundation for our relationship God and if you are married, for your relationship with your spouse…to the glory of Jesus Christ! Amen!

We hope to see you in God’s house tomorrow…may we rejoice in His Word and Sacrament given to His children (all of you)!


In Christ,


Dr. Espinosa

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