Saint Paul's Lutheran Church of Irvine

Sunday, June 26th, 2016 at Saint Paul’s Lutheran Church of Irvine: “Set Free” (Galatians 5)

Location: Crean Lutheran High School in Irvine: 12500 Sand Canyon Ave., Irvine, CA 92618

Directions: Exit Sand Canyon from the 405 or 5, head East towards the hills, cross Irvine Blvd., turn right on Saint’s Way (this will put you on the campus of Crean Lutheran High School…we worship in the event center/gym)

Divine Service: 930 am

New Member Reception: 11 am


Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ,


You have a new life! Yes, it is true that while we Christians still have the sin nature, it’s condemnation and guilt has been removed by Jesus Christ! In addition, you have been born-again; you have a new life and you have a living spirit! This means our lives make a difference. We love, we pray, we move and live as God’s people who bring light to the world and salt to the earth. Come and receive the proclamation tomorrow on Galatians 5! You’re free to live in Christ!

Such a life is also active in the face of cultural and political assaults against the faith. Don’e buy into this false logic: that just because the political realm addresses an issue, that for the Church to respond to that issue means that the church is “getting political.” That’s just not true. When the left-hand kingdom encroaches upon the right-hand kingdom, the Church must speak up.

This encroachment is happening with California Senate Bill 1146 (SB1146). Please go to this link:  Right now, our Concordia University Irvine (and all religion-based colleges and university’s are being severely threatened. Help me speak UP to our elected officials before this Tuesday. Please. This is about religious freedom. If this bill passes the state assembly, it will greatly impact our university in a most serious way.

Brothers and Sisters, this coming week is Vacation Bible School! Please come. Bring children! It is Monday through Friday from 9 am to 12 pm at Crystal Cove State Beach. Directions: we are meeting at the Northern-Most location at Crystal Cove called “Sandy Beach at Treasure Cove”. Treasure Cove is accessed from hiking trails that lead down the steep bluff from day-use parking lots inside the Pelican Point entrance. This entrance to the state park is across from Newport Coast Drive on Pacific Coast Highway.

Tomorrow Pastor Herb Giesler turns 99!!!!! He has been in hospice care, but his spirit in the Lord is strong. I plan on bringing my I-Pad tomorrow so that we as a congregation can extend a special “Happy Birthday” to him and to sing Happy Birthday to him. Let us show our love to him! He is a blessing!

Tomorrow is new member Sunday. We are welcoming three new members. Come and celebrate with us!

Tomorrow we receive the Holy Sacrament! Come and receive the forgiveness of sins! Come and receive Jesus!

Finally, please rejoice with me and Traci. Our first grandchild was born last night. Ellie Adela Espinosa was born our son A.J. and Gaby our daughter-in-law! She is beautiful and we are so filled with joy! Yes, I am now a grandpa!


In Jesus’ Love,






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