Saint Paul's Lutheran Church of Irvine

You’re Invited: Tonight “Love in Christ” the Fourth Wednesday in Advent, December 21st, 2011


I read an article bemoaning the upcoming divorce of NBA star Kobe Bryant. The article was encouraging people not to overreact, divorce is going around. There must be something in the water. Actually, the writer said, we have "selfish genes," and at the end of the day who can blame the person who divorces? Marriage at the end of the day is at a disadvantage at the get go: it is a proposition of "me vs. we." And "me" usually wins. This article reminded me of the recent report by Pew Forum: only 51% of all American adults are married. Marriage is dying.

What a pity, what a shame. It is for many reasons, but the chief of which is the unknown salve, the unknown power for marriage that is called "love." No, I don't mean to sing blindly about a utopian dream like the Beatles' "All You Need Is Love!" I am speaking of God's love. Yes, there is "love," and then there is "love." God's love is not man's love, but God's love is available to sinful men who call on the Name of the Lord. This love understands that marriage is indeed hard work, but it is more than just that, it is highest arena for applying God's love, God's sacrificial love, God's commitment love, God's love that stands in the face of adversity. This love makes marriage a beautiful mosaic of a great life together...learning the highest love: to sacrifice for the one whom God joined you to and then to be blessed more than we can ever imagine.

For me, next to Jesus Christ, Traci Dawn, is the greatest blessing in the universe.

When I was the pastor at St. John, Covina, I served a family in which I saw this love more than at any other time in my life. They were married, she was paralyzed, he lived out his love and cared for her sacrificially every day. This love was based on a volitional act of was God's love in action. Jesus said before the cross that took His life, "I love you. I do not deny that it will be indescribably excruciating, and that it will cost me my very life, but this I do for you: I will love you in my action, in my life, and it will mean that salvation will come, I will do the will of my Father and He will be glorified, and you -- my child originally created in God's image -- will live your God-given purpose: to be saved and then to share my love through faith in Me!" 1st John 4:19 puts it simply, "We love because He first loved us." 

Marriage is wonderful because in it we practice God's love and it is good, very, very good for the soul.

This love in the life of the Christian, however, is lived out in so many more arena's than just marriage, it is God's love for us in Christ for all them, serve them, glorify the Lord, by crucifying the flesh that wants you to live for self...and then arise in the new creation, live for others...this is what love is faith in action, it is such a faith in Jesus that delivers us from living for ourselves. This love puts life right, because it relies on Christ who loved us with His very life!

Dr. Espinosa

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Reflections from Sunday, December 18th: “You Shall Call His Name Jesus”


What's in a name? A lot! Because the Name of Christ has been poured out upon those baptized into His life, death, and resurrection. As a result, His salvation is with you wherever you go! Think about the implications, the power of Christ' Name is on you. Consider what the Scriptures say of His Name: "Therefore God has highly exalted him and bestowed on him the name that is above every name, so that at the name of Jesus every knee should bow, in heaven and on earth and under the earth, and every tongue confess that Jesus Christ is Lord, to the glory of God the Father (Philippians 2:10-11)." Having Christ's Name is having Christ. In the Name of Christ, repent of sin, and you are forgiven. In the Name of Christ, remember what Christ said of His overcoming the world for you even as you experience conflict in the world, and be comforted. In the Name of Christ, resist the devil and he will flee from you. In the Name of Christ, rejoice, you are saved. His Name means "Savior," and this Christmas gift my dear friends lasts for eternity! This is what makes Christmas Christmas: the Name of Christ is yours, poured on you in baptism, kept on your lips, mind, and heart through the Word proclaimed and received in the Sacrament...the Name that is above every name is upon you! Rejoice this Christmas for this gift! Dr. Espinosa

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Reflections on “Joy in Christ” from the Third Wednesday in Advent, December 14th, 2011


We are tempted to think that if we are struggling (with anything) as Christians then we must not have the right to, or capacity for all that the Scriptures say about joy for the child of God. Satan, the world, and our sinful flesh suggest that joy is just off limits. At this point our deep dark suspicions of ourselves start to take over: "It is one thing to confess that we're sinners, but what if I am so defective that even in my status as "forgiven," joy is just not for me?" Rubbish! Remember that the devil is called "the father of lies." The Scriptural presentation of joy is not the transitory response to exciting things or circumstances. Like the game show announcer who says, "You've won a new car!" And to such news, the happy contestant starts jumping up and down uncontrollably. And while new cars are also gifts from God that might make us quite happy, there is a deeper joy in the life of God's children. It is the joy in the face of persecution and suffering. Christ our Lord said in Matthew 5:12: "Rejoice and be glad, for your reward is great in heaven, for so they persecuted the prophets who were before you." A Christian may be in the middle of that which appears contrary to "rejoice and be glad," but he or she is joyful with the faith-based joy that knows that even in the midst of the storm God who sent His Son to weather the worst storm on the cross for us is with us. With this assurance, St. Paul said, "For I consider that the sufferings of this present time are not worth comparing with the glory that is to be revealed in us (Romans 8:18)." As disciples of the Lord Jesus Christ we take our cue from Him: "who for the joy that was set before him endured the cross, despising the shame (Hebrews 12:2b)." The Lord divested the cross of the power of its shame by looking what it was going to establish beyond it, namely your salvation. This Savior holds you even now no matter what you face...yes, we have more than sufficient reason to know true joy, lasting joy, that in Christ! Dr. Espinosa

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Praise God for His Blessings!


We rejoice in what the Lord is doing these days at Saint Paul's!!!

On December 11th, we received:

Gary Yester through profession of faith.

Stephanie Fittler through transfer.

Danielle Medina through adult confirmation.

Sarina Grant through adult confirmation.

On December 18th, we baptized:

Benjamin Paley Ackley

This Christmas Day, December 25th:

Christina Dawn Espinosa will be confirmed!

And A.J. Espinosa, 2nd year seminarian at Concordia Seminary St. Louis will preach God's Word!


Thanks be to God from Whom all blessings flow!


Dr. Espinosa


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Reflections on Sunday, December 11th: “The Will of God: Three Things”


In the Greek there is no definite article in front of the three little things listed in 1st Thessalonians 5:16-18, so these three things do not represent the exhaustive will of God, but only a part of it. However, the Bible does not often mention that which is "God's will." This is one of those instances. 1st Thessalonians 5:16-18 says, "Rejoice always, pray without ceasing, give thanks in all circumstances; for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus for you." Once again there is much on the Christian life (our sanctification in Christ) that we simply cannot ignore. There is a way God calls us to live in Christ, enjoying the sanctification that Christ has established by His holy life for us (His passive righteousness for us) and that which Christ continues to live out in and through His people (His active righteousness for us). The first aspect of His will is seemingly treated as that which is simply "unreasonable" in God's Word. How can we "rejoice always"? In fact, doesn't this contradict the fact that elsewhere Jesus actually describes His people as "mourning" (consider for example the Beautitudes in Matthew 5:4)?! This fact, however, is not contradictory, but explanatory. The joy here described is not a "natural joy,'" but a joy that is of faith (or we might say a "supernatural" joy). So what's the difference? The natural joy is contingent on natural circumstances. If you're on a game show and the announcer says, "you've won a new car!" The news may very well cause you to "leap for joy!" This is natural joy. The joy of faith is different. It is a joy that is assured of God's presence no matter what we face! We do in fact face all kinds of natural circumstances that cause sorrow, but these things cannot remove the joy of faith that is ours which holds onto Christ's promise that He will never leave us or forsake us. Paul and Silas were attacked, had their clothes torn off, were beaten with rods, thrown into prison, and had stocks put on their feet! Then the Scriptures record this: "About midnight Paul and Silas were praying and singing hymns to God." (Acts 16:25) What inspired this? The work of God, the grace of God in Christ, the real faith-oriented joy of knowing the truth that God was in control and that they would continue to be blessed in matter what! The second little thing about God's will is always criticized: "pray without ceasing." "Alright," says the skeptic, "now we know that the Bible is constantly employing unrealistic hyperbole! How in the world can a person pray without ceasing?!" This criticism misses the meaning of the word. Here Paul is not describing formal prayers which require being prostrate or praying liturgical prayers, etc., but is describing a different concept altogether: prosklisis means "a leaning towards," it is the predisposition of faith that realizes one's constant dependence on the Lord, the awareness that He is always there, and that He is leading and guiding you in Christ at every instant of your life. This is prayer without ceasing even as you are led to other types of prayers which are indeed much more overt and focused. The last little thing is to "give thanks in all circumstances." Here, I will point to but one thing in this verse...this constant thanksgiving finds us in a specific sphere of living, the Christian who gives thanks this way is "in Christ." I think of Psalm 91...everything else can be falling apart all around you, but you are "in Christ' and to be in Him is to always have the basis for giving thanks...even in the face of death since "in Christ" even that has been conquered. There is little question that we have much to be thankful for. I am humbled by all of this. Sometimes you hear people making a big "to do" about "the will of God" as some deep, mystical and esoteric thing. It's not that complicated! At the same time, it is a great way to live in faith: 1) Rejoice always; 2) Pray without ceasing; and 3) Give thanks in all circumstances! This is Christ's life and His life is your life. In Christ, Dr. Espinosa

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Reflections on the second Wednesday in Advent: “Peace in Christ”


The New Testament word for "peace" (eirene) is equivalent to the Old Testament word for "peace" (shalom). We often miss the full meaning of the word. The word means "wellness, wholeness, unity, and salvation." Even more, the word means being one with God. So if you're right with God, you're healthy, you're whole. You have peace! How far we've strayed from this meaning of peace. Today, "peace" is a socio-political idea epitomized by the 1960's "peace sign." This is an anti-war concept. Ironically, however, if we practice this reductionism of peace, we lose true peace. The "peace sign" is even worse than one might think. In-spite of various interpretations of the sign, it seems clear that it is an inverted cross with the cross arms broken. Speaking of irony, however, to "undo" the cross of Calvary would be to lose all peace! The Word of God teaches in Romans 5 that we have peace with God through our Lord Jesus Christ (verse 1) and then goes on to elaborate on this peace won through the reconciliation Christ established through His blood (Romans 5:9-11). Christ's blood has won our peace with God. We are now right with God and to be right with Him is quite simply to have all we need in this life and the next! In this context, we know the truth that Jesus is indeed "the prince of peace" (Isaiah 9:6), we understand the proclamation of the angels at the birth of Christ: "Glory to God in the highest, and on earth peace among those with whom he is pleased!" (Luke 2:14) We understand why Simeon was so filled with peace upon seeing the baby Jesus that he was fully prepared to die and leave this earth (Luke 2:29-30). And we know why St. Paul describes what you know in Christ: namely, "the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, [that] will guard your hearts and minds...(Philippians 4:7)." This peace, however, is to never be confused with the earthly "peace" movements. In fact, Christ warned that in regard to human dynamics we should not think that He came to bring peace, but division. This is what He teaches in Matthew 10:34: "Do not think that I have come to bring peace to the earth. I have not come to bring peace, but a sword." People are divided, especially because they are divided about Jesus Christ. Some follow Him, others do not; some love and worship Him, others do not...ultimate allegiances in life cannot be hidden; different values and worldviews inevitably bear out and for this reason there is no peace in the sense of the "peace sign." That peace is artificial and unreal, but thanks be to God that He has given to us the lasting peace, the real peace, the peace that comes through sins forgiven and through knowing God as our Heavenly Father. Let us give thanks as Christmas approaches that peace is not this far-off possibility, but rather an accomplished reality: Christ came and is coming to give us peace with God! This peace is yours! In Christ, Dr. Espinosa

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Reflections on the Second Sunday in Advent, “Make His Paths Straight”


Sometimes people proudly proclaim, "I have no regrets!" This is kind of like the person who proclaims, "I don't care about what other people think!" These assertions seem to almost illicit a kind of admiration, "Wow! That's a strong person who has no regrets and isn't insecure about what others think!" But such admiration would be misplaced. These are not positions to take pride in. In Mark 1:1-8 John the Baptist prepared people for the coming of Christ by urging them to "repent!" Over the years I've taught the meaning of metanoia as changing one's mind (about sin and Christ) and "turning around" (from sin and towards God). These definitions aren't bad, but "repent!" may also be translated in a very simple way (in terms of the narrow sense of the word): "to think after, to regret." Christians should have plenty that they sincerely regret. We Christians should be able to look back on our lives (as far back as we can remember and as recently as today) and see countless things (sins actually) that we regret. To say we have "no regrets" is the height of arrogance; to confess that you have many regrets is to know the humility that the Lord seeks in His people who truly need Him and the forgiveness of sins He gives. The Gospel in Mark 1 is all about demonstrating our great need precisely because we are people filled with regrets. John comes crying in the wilderness. The wilderness reminds us not only of Israel's wanderings, but of our own in our own wildernesses of sin. He calls us to make straight paths, because our sin has caused crooked paths. John came baptizing and we are mindful that our baptism was essential to bury our own sinful self bent on destroying us. And then we see the people coming to John and doing what? Answer: "confessing their sins." All of these images teach us about the healthy thing about regret. At the end of the day these things remind us of our great need for Christ. And for us regretting people Jesus comes. And when the Law does its devastating work filling us with regret, His Gospel informs us that He takes up all of our sin which is responsible for every ounce of our regret. For this reason John said He was unworthy to even stoop down to untie Christ's sandals, but at the same time, John knew...He knew that this Savior, our Savior, THE Savior would baptize us "with the Holy Spirit" guaranteeing God's grace for those plagued with regret. This same Spirit shows us the Gospel: Jesus died for all sin so that we are no longer transfixed on our regrets, but on the One who did not regret giving His life for yours! In Christ, Dr. Espinosa

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Reflections on the first Wednesday in Advent: “Hope in Christ”


"Hope" in worldly jargon and conceptual thinking is subjective to the extreme. It is concerned about "expectations and hopes [that] are man's own expectations of his future." (Theological Dictionary of the New Testament, Vol. 2, 518) In this way, men hope the economy gets better, but we are warned when it comes to hope in money: "See the man who would not make God his refuge, but trusted in the abundance of his riches and sought refuge in his own destruction." (Psalm 52:7) Others put hope in their best efforts to live a good life and do the right thing, but we are warned here again, "Though I say to the righteous that he shall surely live, yet if he trusts in his righteousness...none of his righteous deeds shall be remembered." (Ezekiel 33:13). It is also easy to put hope in other leaders or inspirational figures (presidential candidates or perhaps your favorite talk show guru): "Thus says the Lord: Cursed is the man who trusts in man and makes flesh his strength, whose heart turns away from the Lord." (Jeremiah 17:5).  This so-called "hope" is about control. I should say the illusion of control. Trying to control the future by controlling today with all of the things we cling to for "hope." But all of these things mentioned are passing away; none of them will last. So -- and needless to say -- we need another version of hope. Let's go to God's version. It is the hope derived from true saving faith in the Lord Jesus Christ. This hope is "the assurance of things hoped for" (Hebrews 11:1) and it is a saving hope: "For in this hope we were saved." (Romans 8:24a) This hope is not based on the passing things of this world, but it is based upon God Himself! "He delivered us from such a deadly peril, and he will deliver us. On him we have set our hope that he will deliver us again." (2nd Corinthians 1:10) This hope does not wade in subjectivity, but finds itself standing strong on Christ's objective promises: He has saved us, He is risen, He has promised never to leave us, He will work all things out for our good, He is Lord, He is Savior, He is ours, we are His! Johann Gerhard once listed three things which calmed his anxiety and made hope certain and strong: 1. God's love by which you are His adopted child; 2. The truth of His promise; and 3. His power to deliver what He has promised! (Meditations on Divine Mercy, 100). When hope is based on these, there is hope, real hope! In Christ, Dr. Espinosa

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Reflections from “Hosanna!” November 27th, 2011


Let's face it, God frequently fails to meet our expectations of Him. Thank Him for that! More than one person has complained and tried to justify their lack of faith and skepticism by describing their great efforts to reach out to God, making very specific requests of Him. How often do we hear, "But He let me down!" "He didn't help me!" "He didn't answer my prayer!" But is any of this somehow a reflection of God's inadequacy or is it at the end of the day a commentary on our requests and expectations of God that have little to do with faith? The truth is that our sinful nature positions us to come up with all kinds of false expectations of God. In the end, our so-called "religion" has very little to do with trusting the Lord in view of His sacred revelation to us in His Word, but has everything to do with believing that God is there for us to tell Him what to do. We are the entitled ones, and even God should get with the program and do what we "need" Him to do! I was reminded of this sinful tendency when I came to the text in Mark 11:1-10. The people shouted "Hosanna!" and my question is, "What did they mean?" The answer is probably a conglomerate. There were probably some who meant it in the sense of what true faith does: meeting Christ on His terms and not our own terms, but there were probably others who had fashioned expectations that had very little to do with the true and actual kingdom of God. The word "Hosanna!" itself is militeristic, it comes out of a war context. Psalm 118 has imagery about being surrounded by the enemy. There is a war going on! At verse 25, the inspired author writes, "Save us, we pray, O Lord! O Lord, we pray, give us success!" This is the cry of "Hosanna!" It should not surprise us to learn that there were many fully aware of the militeristic meaning of the cry and they wanted Jesus to be that military conquerer showing the power and might that is impressive to the world. For these people who cried out "Hosanna!" in this sense, Jesus must have been a bitter disappointment.  How and why do you cry out "Hosanna!"? Hopefully, it is in accord with the spirit of the Word for the disciple of Christ. We pray that He would save us from sin, death and the power of the devil. These are our real enemies and for the one who cries to Jesus for this, then the Gospel is proclaimed to say, "mission accomplished!" And for all who trust in this Gospel, they do not merely wait for the kingdom, but are already in the kingdom of God in their midst (Luke 17) which is -- as Jesus says -- is not of this world (John 18). Let us cry out "Hosanna!" and continue to experience His salvation through Word and Sacrament keeping our lives in His. In Christ, Dr. Espinosa

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