Saint Paul's Lutheran Church of Irvine

Discipleship Courses

Discipleship Course 1

Course 1 is an introductory overview of religion in general and Christianity in particular. What are the other major religions of the world and how do they basically differ from Christianity? What makes Christianity so unique in comparison to all other religious systems? This course also presents a basic history of Christianity including the East-West schism and the basic theological tensions leading up to the Protestant Reformation.

Discipleship Course 2

Course 2 is devoted to understanding the great formal principle of the Christian Church or to put it simply, our source of teaching and authority which are the Holy Scriptures (aka The Word of God or The Holy Bible). This session compares natural revelation with the intimate knowledge of God that comes through the Bible. We then look at the attributes of Scripture itself and most importantly consider its over-arching theme of justification by grace through faith in Jesus Christ apart from the works of the law.
In the following book I present how Christian apologetics is related to the handling of God’s Word in presenting the faith. In this essay I address why and how apologetics is not contrary to the use of Law and Gospel, but is subservient to these and how apologetics is used to communicate Law and Gospel. “Apologetics” means “to defend” or “to answer” and is based on 1st Peter 3:15: “Set apart Christ in your heart as Lord, and always be ready to give an answer (an apologetic) to anyone who asks for the reason for your faith, but do so with gentleness and respect.” The title of the book below means “Theology of Apologetics.”
Theologia et Apologia

Discipleship Course 3

Course 3 is an overview of the names of God along with appreciating some key attributes of God. In conducting this study, we look at the precious revelation and deep mystery of the Holy Trinity so that we may know God in the way that He has chosen to make Himself known and in the way He truly is. While we can never fully comprehend the Holy Trinity this does not mean that the Trinity is repugnant to God-given reason. For example, we take a close look at some of the classic illustrations which teach the Holy Trinity and the personal significance of knowing God as Father, Son, and Holy Spirit as you worship Him and walk with Him.

Discipleship Course 4

Course 4 is on creation. At this time, I would ask that you would either listen to my interviews on this vital article of the faith or order my CPH Bible Study in hard copy or the downloadable version. Click on the links below to access either the interviews or to order the Bible Study.
Part 1 of 1[audio:]
Part 1 of 2[audio:]
Part 2 of 2[audio:]
The Lutheran Difference: Creation Book
The Lutheran Difference: Creation (Downloadable)

Discipleship Course 5

Course 5 discusses the crucial doctrine of man. What is the image of God and what happened to that image when sin entered into the world? As a result of the Genesis 3 fall of man, how are human beings effected? Here we present a thorough biblical overview of what sin has done to us in terms of our spiritual condition before conversion to salvation. This is an integral study for anyone who ever wondered why the doctrine of grace (course 6) is so vital to the Christian faith. If the doctrine of man is neglected, one will not sense the need for salvation. If the doctrine of man is understood, one will know proper alarm and be convinced that they need to be saved!

Discipleship Course 6

Course 6 presents the Scriptural teaching that God is active for our salvation and that we are passive. God does all the work to save us, and we do nothing to contribute to our salvation. We explain the vital distinction between divine monergism (the biblical teaching that God is the sole power for salvation) versus the anti-Scriptural idea of synergism (the false teaching that we cooperate with God in order to be saved). In addition, we see how the Scriptures teach that faith itself is a gift from God. God creates faith in us. We are not born with faith, we do not generate faith, we do not choose faith. Faith is something that God must give us. It must be created in us by God. Once we are given faith, it is indeed powerfully active, but even the good works which spring from it are prepared in advance for us by God (Eph. 2:10).

Discipleship Course 7

This presentation is on the biblical teaching on the person and work of our Lord Jesus Christ. Here, I strongly recommend my interview under biblical resources and audio gallery. This interview is based on my CPH Bible Study God the Son. However, I am also offering a short overview of christology through this discipleship extended outline. It is essential to know WHO Christ is for our salvation and to know WHAT Christ did, is doing, and will do for our salvation. The Lord Jesus is the Way, the Truth, and the Life (John 4:16), to know WHO He is to know the One with all authority and power to save; to know WHAT He did especially in regard to His LIFE which fulfilled the Law for us and His DEATH which made atonement for our sins, and His RESURRECTION which is the basis for our assurance of everlasting life is to know what Jesus did to save you!
You may also listen to my interview on christology by clicking the links below, 1 of 2 and then 2 of 2, or you may order the Bible Study entitled “God the Son” in either hard copy or downloadable version.
Part 1 of 2 [audio:]
Part 2 of 2 [audio:]
The Lutheran Difference: God the Son Book
The Lutheran Difference: God the Son (Downloadable)
Let Christ be Christ

Discipleship Course 8

How does God connect us to the Lord Jesus Christ? There must be a way in which Christ our Savior comes into our lives, creates faith in us, and makes us one with Him and thereby gives us assurance that we have His salvation. There is! This study is about how the Word of Christ is communicated to His people. These various modes of Christ to us through His Word are called “the means of grace.” We look closely at this biblical teaching and go further in identifying which of these means of grace are sacraments. The Lutheran teaching is distinguished from more general definitions and we see how it was Christ Himself who established the basic sacraments. We address fundamental questions surrounding both infant baptism and the Lord’s Supper.

Discipleship Course 9

What happens when we are incorporated into Christ? What happens when the gift of faith in Jesus is given to us? How does all of this impact our lives? To discuss this is to know the person and work of the Holy Spirit and how He leads us to live as Christians, salt to the earth and light to the world. Inherently, we must also teach about our real sanctification in Christ. Our lives change. This is a fact. At the same time, there are many misconceptions out there about sanctification. Sometimes we get the impression from some that if we are truly sanctified, then we will no longer struggle with sin. Nothing could be further from the truth. In fact, those who are truly sanctified enter into a daily and constant battle with their own sin and the temptations which confront them from the world and the devil. There are, however, powerful and vital resources given to us the children of God to protect us and which cause us to grow in the saving faith. Worship, prayer, service and witness become fundamental markers of the Christian life.
One of the most powerful presentations on sanctification, the Christian life, is the teaching of C.F.W. Walther. In this book I outline his great contribution of what it means to be led by the Holy Spirit through the Word of Christ. You may order this book through Concordia Publishing House.
C. F. W. Walther, Churchman and Theologian

Discipleship Course 10

The teaching on the last things is about what happens to us from the point of our physical death and what God says will happen in the last days and the last day of the world. Our culture envelopes us with many ideas, theories, “prophetic” predictions, etc. on what will happen in the future. What does the Bible say? The biblical revelation is important in leading us to know how to go through our lives in faith and warns us about dangers to avoid while also giving us an amazing glimpse of future glory that should comfort us and inspire us to live for Christ today.
The teaching on the End Times is clouded by pretribulational premillennial dispensationalism. What is that?! It is the popular teaching on the “rapture,” the claimed future seven year tribulation, and the claimed future 1000 year reign of Christ on the earth. That’s what it is! It is a very dangerous teaching and in these interviews we address this teaching and present the Biblical teaching on the last days.
Part 1 of 6

Part 2 of 6

Part 3 of 6

Part 4 of 6

Part 5 of 6

Part 6 of 6
The complete dissertation on the rapture teaching which includes analysis of its history, exegesis on key biblical sections, their hermeneutical (interpretation) approach, survey results of readership and analysis (along with results from my interview with Rev. Dr. Tim LaHaye), the movements impact on American politics, and finally the movements impact on the teaching of Christian sancitification is being made available. Please share it with anyone you might think is interested in addressing these important issues. I defended this dissertation at the University of Birmingham, England in 2009 and it was published at the university the same year.

Comments (11) Trackbacks (1)
  1. Thank you. It is good to be of service!

    May the Lord fill you with the assurance of Christ’s salvation for you through His life, death, and resurrection!

    In Christ,

    Dr. Espinosa

  2. Esp. when he is a fool for Christ. Dr. E.

  3. Please let me know what specifically helped. Thanks for the feedback. Dr. Espinosa

  4. Thanks for the feedback. Please let me know what aspect of the Christian faith being expounded on was most helpful to you.

    In Christ,

    Dr. Espinosa

  5. Marie,

    I’m glad to have you on board!

    Let me know if I may ever try to answer any specific questions.

    In your service and to Christ’s glory,

    Dr. Espinosa

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