Tomorrow Sunday October 11th, 2015 at Saint Paul’s Lutheran Church of Irvine: “What Must I Do?” (Mark 10:17-22)
Divine Service: 9:30 am
Bible Study for adults, high school, and Sunday School for junior youth and little children starts at 11:00 am.
Location: Crean Lutheran High School in Irvine: 12500 Sand Canyon Ave., Irvine, CA 92618
Directions: Exit Sand Canyon from the 405 or 5, head East towards the hills, cross Irvine Blvd., turn right on Saint’s Way (this will put you on the campus of Crean Lutheran South High School…we worship in the event center/gym)
Dear Christians,
Tomorrow morning, the Lord Jesus Christ, the Savior of the world, the Way, the Truth and the Life will be in Church giving His Word and Sacraments to His people to strengthen their faith, to give peace to their hearts.
We hope to see you for the great celebration!
In Jesus’ Love,
Pastor Espinosa